Germani Talu
Jõgevamaa, Lohusuu
Phone: +372 5 139 697
© 2021 Germani Talu. All rights reserved
About Us

Lake Peipsi is undoubtedly one of Estonia's most beautiful sites. It's a whole world, perfect and balanced in it's virgin beauty. This is the right place where to produce the tastiest pickles in Estonia!

It is not a secret that one can find Germani Talu pickles almost everywhere, from a small shop to the biggest supermarket chain. This is how tasty they are! Producing pickles from fresh cucumbers is not an easy task, as it might seem. It is pure art, and many of you, hopefully, have already tasted the difference that Germani Talu pickles make. The key to success sounds quite simple: flaming passion for our job and a special recipe that we pass from generation to generation. And, of course, crystal clear spring water.

Times and political regimes changed, years flew by, but our family carried on doing what we still do best, keeping and respecting the traditions. Pickles by Germani Talu – unmistakable quality, known and cherished by customers for many decades!

You can find out more about pickles here. Or, in case you want to ask us a question or find out more about producing pickles in Estonia – you will find our contact information here.